Jeremiah 49:35
Jeremiah 49:35 Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, the chief of their might. MC VC
Jeremiah 51:3, 56
Jeremiah 51:3 Against him that bendeth let the archer bend his bow, and against him that lifteth himself up in his brigandine: and spare ye not her young men; destroy ye utterly all her host. MC VC
Jeremiah 51:56 Because the spoiler is come upon her, even upon Babylon, and her mighty men are taken, every one of their bows is broken: for the Lord God of recompences shall surely requite. 2 I MC VC
Ezekiel 39:3
Ezekiel 39:3 And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand. MC VC
Hosea 1:5
Hosea 1:5 And it shall come to pass at that day, that I will break the bow of Israel, in the valley of Jezreel. MC VC